Due to the current pandemic, live from her home in the Acadian peninsula in New Brunswick, Sandra released her fourth album, ‘Les Cormorans’ on April 4th. On this album, produced by Éric Goulet, we find several authors and composers, like Luc De Larochelière, Wilfred Lebouthillier, Pierre Flynn, Gilles Bélanger and her son Valérie Robichaud. This album earned her the most rave reviews, notably in Le Devoir de Montréal.

Over the years, she has made more than ten musical tours in France in addition to being invited to Vietnam, to Argentina, to Paraguay, to Uruguay, in Western Canada and in Quebec. She will be touring in France again in 2020 where she is invited to perform in Provence, in Brittany and in Southwest of France. She is also invited to Egypt in 2021.

Multidisciplinary artist, she is currently preparing a second collection of poetry. In 2017 she received the 150th anniversary commemorative medal of the Canadian Senate for her artistic approach. The medals are being awarded to Canadians or permanent residents who are active in their communities through their generosity, dedication, volunteerism, and hard work. Sandra is highly active and engaged in her community and in her province.

Also, during the same period we were able to see her as an actress in films like ‘La peur de l’eau’ and ‘Le chant du phare’ and in TV series like ‘Belle-Baie’ and ‘Le clan’.

You can follow Sandra on her Facebook page ‘Sandra Le Couteur Officiel’ as well as on her website: Her albums are available on all platforms: Itunes, Spotify, Deezer, Believe